The Kiya Davelaar Show

I took Dr. Jordan Peterson's "Understand Myself" Personality Test... SHOCKING RESULTS

Season 1 Episode 15

Podcast 15: I took Dr. Jordan Peterson's "Understand Myself" Personality Test... SHOCKING RESULTS

I took the understand myself personality test by Jordan Peterson, my results were pretty solid in my opinion. I tried to answer each question as honestly as possible, so the results weren't skewed. 

Here is the definition of The big five aspects scale created by Peterson and his team. 

"The Big Five Aspect Scale is a comprehensive, open-source 100-item personality measure, which is scored so that you will receive information about five major personality traits and their ten aspects (as detailed in the next section: What You Get, below). It will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete. You will be presented with a series of phrases, such as “carry out my plans,” “respect authority,” and “like to solve complex problems,” and asked to indicate your agreement or disagreement with those phrases as they apply to you, typically and personally. Make sure that you are not tired, or unhappy, or depressed, or hungry, or likely to be disturbed while you answer the questions, and that you are giving yourself enough time to consider your answers carefully. Your responses will be compared to those of 10000 other people, so that your personality can be assessed, in accordance with your similarity or difference to the average person. You will then be provided with a report that tells you how you rank, according to your self-report (which can be quite accurate) compared to others, in percentile terms. If you receive, for example, a percentile score of 85 for Extraversion, that means you are more extraverted (enthusiastic, assertive) than 85 out of 100 people. That makes you very happy and talkative, for example, compared to the average person."

Today's video is less of a vlog and more so educational, however I found the results very interesting and enjoyed doing it. 

Hope y'all enjoy.